Sunday, March 20, 2011

Che: Part 1

The film “Che: Part 1- The Argentine” tells the story of Che Guevara during the July 26th movement, including cutbacks to him addressing the United Nations in 1964 as well as cutbacks to an interview between him and Lisa Howard of ABC news. Che’s overall goal for the revolution was to fight imperialism and cut it off at the head, which, according to him, was the United States of America.(Tricontinental Address).

The United Nations speech in the movie reinforces what was said at the Address to the “Tricontinental”. The whole driving force behind his argument is that the imperialism that was so evident in the Roman and Byzantine empires of the Middle Ages is still very much alive within the Empire of the United States of America, leader of the United Nations. He makes the claim that the US/UN uses their combined powers to “blackmail humanity by threatening it with war” (Tricontinental). This is (allegedly) due to the strategy of installing puppet governments and overthrowing governments perceived to be a threat to the well-being of the US/UN.

 Che’s strategy is to utilize guerrilla warfare to achieve his goals of fighting off American imperialism in Latin America.(guerrilla warfare article) His goals were to prove that a militia can win a war against an army, to create conditions of revolution through insurrection, and the battleground should be in the undeveloped countryside as opposed to in the urban environment.

Che Guevara’s strategy and motives were played out through the actions of the July 26th movement, which took place largely in the jungles and sought to recruit literate Cubans who were unsatisfied with the government in order to change their way of life through a violent revolution against imperialism. He gained his support by touting the guerrilla fighters as the heros of the revolution, saying that “Facing the general superiority of the enemy at a given place, one must find tactics with which to gain relative superiority at the moment” (GW) these were accomplished by force concentration and effective utilization of the terrain to know whether or not it is wise to act or sit in wait for a better opportunity in which to strike against the army.

Tactically, his logic is sound, according to Alfred Thayer Mahan, "War, once declared, must be waged offensively [and] aggressively. The enemy must not be fended off; but smitten down. You may then spare him every exaction, relinquish every gain, but 'til then he must be struck incessantly and remorselessly." This was Che’s strategy throughout the revolution. To consistently be on the dominant side of the battle, or else a battle would not take place, doing this helped to ensure more wins and thus gaining more support for the cause of the revolution, thus increasing the guerrilla army.


  1. I like how you intertwined film and the readings together. From the film, you included the United Nations speech and then included the Tricontinental speech, and you noted the similarity of anti-imperialism, mainly geared toward the US. Then once you suddenly switched to guerilla warfare, I liked the quote by Alfred Thayer Mahan to tie your points together about it. Overall, you did a great job hitting the key points.

  2. It was interesting to see how Che was focused on helping the people. When he discovered his men stealing and raping, he delt with them sevierly. I think the American image of this type of warfare is very skewed.
